Tanzanian Indigenous Communities Combine with SAT at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Italy

Tanzanian Indigenous Communities Combine with SAT at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Italy
September 18, 2018
Success Stories

Lydia Kivia and Mselemu Kinyozi at SAT office before starting their journey to Italy for Terra Madre Salone del Gusto event

 A delegation of four people including one pastoralist and a small-scale farmer from Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) network is set to take part in the 12th Terra Madre Salone del Gusto to be held in Turin city Italy, from September 20th to 24th 2018. 

Janet Maro (SAT Executive Director) and Rashid Malya (Projects Manager) will be leading this delegation. Salone del Gusto is an international event dedicated to food and gastronomy. It attracts mainly micro-small manufacturers, producing high quality and sustainable food products. Over 5,000 delegates from 140 countries and 800 exhibitors have already confirmed to participate.

Speaking about the Salone del Gusto, Mselemu Kinyozi a pastoralist from Vianzi village, Lubungo ward in Mvomero district, Morogoro says, “I am extremely proud to take part in this event. I am sure that, through exchange of ideas and dialogue with people who differ in culture, language, and customs, every one of us will return home richer and with new enthusiasm to strive for a better future for our planet.”

It has been one year now since Kinyozi started to engage in livestock keeping with the aim of improving the breed and vegetable farming by following principles of organic farming as guided by SAT. His main goal is to make sure that each member of his pastoralist community is economically improved through strong cooperation in agriculture and entrepreneurial activities.

Lydia Kivia, a member of Muungano farmer group in Morogoro says, “I love my job and I am absolutely stoked to have this tremendous opportunity to expand my knowledge of sustainable agriculture.”

She owns 1.5 acres farm at Kibuko Village in Morogoro. She and her family started the farm in 2014 growing maize, rice and vegetables by following principles of organic agriculture. They sell both wholesale and retail to her neighbors, SAT Organic Shop, restaurants and other customers from inside and outside the region.

While Janet will present ‘Feeding the Planet with Agroecology’, Kinyozi and Lydia are expected to share their experience on Agroecology, clean food as well as indigenous people’s testimonies.

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is an event organized by the City of Turin, Slow Food, and the Region of Piedmont in collaboration with Italy’s Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.

#FoodforChange #Terramadre #Terramadre2018 #salonedelgusto


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