Agroecological Research

We prioritise farmer-centred research that incorporates agroecological farming methods.

Through our in house Farmer-centered Agroecological Research we have collaborated with over 500 farmers, working along side more than 60 graduates and undergraduate students on their research projects. This collaborative approach has yielded valuable insights and information.

We partner with Research Institutions

In addition to our in house research, SAT also partners with esteemed research institutions. We are engaged in Agrovoltaic research with Sheffield University, exploring the integration of agriculture and photovoltaic systems.
We work on Agroforestry research in Dodoma and Morogoro regions together with the Postdam Institute of Climate (PIK) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Also we are establishing a living lab of integrated aqua-poultry-agriculture system in a regional project implemented by 16 organizations and institutions.
Furthermore, we collaborate with ZKSD ( "smartCard-inline") on research focused on postharvest solutions for small-scale farmers. Each of these research projects is presented on dedicated sub-pages, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of our research initiative and their outcomes.
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