Sustainable farm management, agroecology, and permaculture for congregations

Many congregations around Tanzania are involved in farming activities and produce food on their farms. Yet, they face significant challenges, as they lack technical and operational knowledge of farm management and entrepreneurial skills. Furthermore, they don’t have adequate infrastructure, farm machinery, and equipment and must deal with land conflicts with the surrounding communities. As a result, the massive land surface, including all farms, a total of 10.350 acres, is far below its possible production capacity. 

Community of practice

As there is a considerable potential to increase the financial self-sufficiency of the congregations significantly, SAT started the Sustainable Farm management, Agroecology, and Permaculture for Congregations (SAPC) project in 2019, which is designed to create a “community of practice” in agroecology and permaculture among the congregations and the sisters involved in farming activities – especially supporting the farms of the partner organizations of Arthur Waser Foundation (AWF). A sustainable agricultural practice will be developed by establishing a collaborative learning environment based on courses, case studies, exchange visits, and on-farm consulting.

The congregations' farm capacity is developed, leading to increased and balanced production, positively impacting environmental, social, and financial sustainability. Farming meaningfully integrates the livestock kept by the congregations and the neighboring communities. Beyond farming, the congregations are encouraged to develop a processing and marketing capacity and to engage in productive and mutually beneficial economic relationships with the surrounding communities. 

Another goal is to educate the sisters in farm management, agroecology, and permaculture. They are encouraged to exchange experiences and advance their knowledge together. This lays the foundation for developing further activities under this program, which will also integrate workers and neighbors and is made up of three parts: a training program, farm-specific planning and consulting, and research on social requirements. 

While SAT takes over the role of the education and consulting provider, Büro Weichen stellen (BWs) offers its service to consult and support AWF by representing the foundation's interests through collaboration with SAT and reporting to the board about the project's development. 

The sisters are under the Sustainable Farm Management Agroecology and Permaculture for Congregations (SAPC) project which is kindly supported by the Arthur Waser Foundation


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