Building Resilience Through Agroforestry


About the Project


The SCARF project, an innovative initiative, aims to bolster the resilience of rural communities in Tanzania in the face of escalating threats, including extreme weather events, gradual climatic changes, and compounding risks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Our central strategy in this venture is to leverage agroforestry as a key adaptation practice, given its demonstrated potential to improve farmers' adaptive capacity and the resilience of local farming systems to climatic changes and shocks.


Recognizing that agroforestry can transform agriculture meaningfully, the project endeavors to address the challenges of low adoption rates by piloting innovative approaches and offering comprehensive support for scaling and training on implementation.

Our Role

Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) is leading in several key areas as part of the SCARF project.


Study Design and Assessment: SAT collaborates with the Potsdam Institute for Climate ImpactResearch (PIK) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) to identify target farmers and diverse farming systems in project communities. In addition, SAT contributes to developing an exhaustive report that consolidates all learnings from the project.


Implementation of Agroforestry Strategies: SAT leads the practical realization of agroforestry strategies, where we organize workshops to identify barriers to agroforestry uptake and design suitable solutions. Our team establishes mother plots in select villages and guides local farmers in implementing or improving existing agroforestry systems.


Upscaling and Outreach of AgroforestryStrategies: SAT and ICRAF create comprehensive training manuals for the tested agroforestry practices. We organize training workshops at the SAT FarmerTraining Centre, supporting farmer champions to extend their knowledge to a wider farming community.

Expected Outcomes


The SCARF project is designed to offer a multitude of benefits to our target groups:


- Farmers: Economic benefits via increased crop yields, improved adaptive capacity to climate shocks, and over coming land degradation challenges.

- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs):Clear pathways to support local farming communities, access to new agroforestry methods, and valuable collaboration opportunities.

- Local Government Authorities (LGAs):Detailed reports on implementing and upscaling agroforestry systems, enabling them to make informed policy decisions for the agricultural sector.

Project Impact


The SCARF project stands as a beacon of hope,heralding a future where sustainable farming practices are the norm rather than the exception. By harnessing the power of agroforestry, we aim to ensure foodsecurity, improve income stability and diversification, contribute to biodiversity goals, and support carbon sequestration efforts.


Join us as we embark on this transformative journey. Together, we can create a sustainable future for all.


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