Impact assessment of the Farmer and Pastoralist Collaboration (FPC) project

Impact assessment of the Farmer and Pastoralist Collaboration (FPC) project
January 17, 2023


Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) seeks for the services of a skilled consultant to undertake an impact assessment for the Farmers and Pastoralists Collaboration (FPC) Project. The project is supported by Biovision Foundation and Liechtenstein Development Service (LED). The project is in its 6th year and has been implemented in two phases. Phase I of the project started in Jan. 2017 and marked its end in Dec. 2019. Phase II of the project started in Jan. 2020, and it marked its end in Dec. 2022.

The overall goal of the project was to enhance sustainable livelihood of farmers and pastoralists through agroecological practices and ensure that the practice of agroecology by farmers and pastoralists creates mutual benefits for both parties which are increased income, strengthened food security, balanced nutrition, reduced conflicts and climate resilience. The project covered the districts of Mvomero, and Kilosa in Morogoro region, Same district in Kilimanjaro region and Hanang’ district in Manyara region. Since the project start in 2017 the project has reached about 3,536 farmers and pastoralist directly.

In 2019 the project had its first external evaluation which provided inputs for the designing of phase II and in July 2022 a team of experts conducted a learning journey in the project areas. The report of the learning journey not only provided inputs for designing FPC phase III but also provided inputs of areas of focus on impact assessment.

Focus and scope of the impact assessment

The impact assessment is intended to document intended and unintended impact registered based on the outcomes and lessons learned over the project period in terms of the project design, implementation, and sustainability among other basic assessment components in a table. The assessment shall focus on:

  1. Assessing the impact registered by the project over the course of implementation (what did it really change for the life of the participants?), is it different for non-project participants?
  2. Attributing the impact of the project (does the impact registered really reflect the impact of the project interventions?)
  3. Identifying unintended impact/side effects (negative and positive)
  4. Assessing the sustainability of replication and scale out of the project activities (what results are likely to be sustained beyond the project duration? Which activities and outcomes are self-sustaining or self-replicating? What kind of structures are needed to assure sustainability, how will they be financed, how will they be accessible?)
  5. Assessing which activities show (greatest) impact and why did change happen or did not happen, what are the contributing or hindering factors? What prerequisites were necessary to achieve the desired impact?

Prerequisites for the Consultant

  1. Post-graduate degree in social sciences, impact studies, development studies, conflict resolution and peace studies, health-related applied research & development projects or related fields.
  2. Proven experience of minimum 5 years in carrying out impact assessments.
  3. First-hand knowledge of the socio-cultural and policy context in Tanzania.
  4. Ability to produce well written, analytical reports in English essential.
  5. Knowledge of impact assessment of capacity building activities and familiarity with the theory of change technique.
  6. Familiar with quantitative and qualitative data analysis.


This consulting assignment is expected to begin by 13th March 2023 and to be completed no later than May 15th, 2023. The final version of the report as approved is to be submitted at the latest by May 20th, 2023. Technical and financial proposal should be sent by email to no later than Friday, February 10th, 2023 at 05:00 pm.

We are open to receive questions for clarifications if any, through until 23rd January 2023 after which no further questions will be received. No in-person or phone follow up is accepted.

For more information about the scope of work please download the Terms of Reference here

Download Here


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