Call For Expression of Interest for Intersectional Gender Analysis

We are looking for a consultant.

Call For Expression of Interest for Intersectional Gender Analysis
August 1, 2023

SAT is seeking to hire a consultant(s) to conduct an intersectional gender analysis for the Sustainable Community Development (SUCODE) project funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Land Vorarlberg (LV) and Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft Ostafrika (NLO). The consultant(s) is free to propose the methodology and tools that will be used during the analysis. These Terms of Reference (ToR) serve as a request for technical and financial proposals from individual consultants/firms interested in conducting this analysis.

Project Impact and expected outcomes

The impact goal of the project is that “Communities around Mkingu Nature Forest Reserve are implementing climate adaptation strategies, including farming, exploring alternative income-generating activities, and access to loans which result in food security, poverty reduction within a sustainable environment. The project’s expected outcomes are 1) Communities benefit from increased climate resilience by implementing self-developed strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change impact, 2) Farmers around MkNFR increase climate resilience through practicing sustainable farming practices with a positive impact on resilient production and on the environment and 3) Alternative income generation, contract farming, and saving and lending activities increase livelihood opportunities for the rural communities.

Overall Objective:

The main objective of the Intersectional Gender Analysis is to understand variables, structural context, and driving forces affecting gender equality in the project area. The findings from the analysis will be accompanied by recommendations that inform the program in terms of approaches and adjustments to the planned activities to minimize the economic, social, gender-related, and environmental dimensions and structural factors that hinder the poorest from participating in the development process and achieving positive changes in their lives.

Expected Deliverables:
  1. Inception report with detailed interpretation of terms of reference, clearly stating the approach, methodology, work plan and instruments/tools for undertaking the exercise including a tabulation plan of how each indicator will be obtained;
  2. One electronic file of the clean (final) qualitative and quantitative data collected;
  3. Final analysis report in 3 hard bound copies of final evaluation report, soft copies of the reports and data sets, a summary version of the final analysis report (max.2 pages), copies of the relevant data collection tools, a compendium of photographs of the major scenes observed during evaluation and a snapshot view of individual reports for each District visited.
Consultant(s) qualifications/competencies
  1. The consultant should have a post-graduate degree in Gender development studies, Sociology or another field relevant to this assignment.
  2. Proven expertise in gender analysis/assessments design and review of programmes focused on gender equality, equity, mainstreaming and social inclusion.
  3. Proven experience of minimum 5 years in undertaking similar assignments.
  4. Ability to produce well written, analytical reports inEnglish is essential.
  5. Strong sense and ability to work with communities using participatory approaches

Application procedure

Interested applicants should submit; (1) a cover letter of expression of interest, (2)curriculum vitae, (3) technical proposal explaining their comprehension of theToR, and how they would approach this assignment, summarising the methodologies, and approaches they plan to use including a timeline (4)financial proposal outlining their expected fees for undertaking the assignment, (5) a sample of two reports of similar or related analysis undertaken. Please send your application electronically via by 21 August 2023 with the subject line of email SUCODE Intersectional Gender analysis. Review of proposals starts immediately and will continue until a suitable consultant is identified and close on 20thAugust 2023. We appreciate all consultants who take their time to respond to this call following the indicated procedure and will not accept or consider any application submitted against this procedure.

For more information about the scope of work download the Terms of Reference (ToR) below.

Terms of Reference (ToR)


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